Training Center - KURSO

Safety and evacuation training

evacuation when working at heights

About the course

We offer training in safe working at heights and how to deal with accidents or evacuation. We provide an extensive programme of classes and lectures given by specialists with many years of experience.  

safety and evacuation training when working at heights

When can we speak of working at height? 

Any work carried out where there is a difference in level between the workstation and the floor of 1 metre or more is called work at height. Work at height may include, but is not limited to: work performed on scaffolding, chimneys, ladders or other elevations. 

What are the risks of working at height? 

The work listed above is extremely dangerous. Falling from height is one of the most common causes of serious or even fatal accidents at work. According to the Central Statistical Centre, it is even 30% of all accidents in Poland that may occur during work. The most common causes of such accidents can include: 

  • inadequate organisation of the works, 
  • low risk awareness, 
  • inadequate communication to workers about the possibility of particular risks, 
  • inappropriate behaviour of workers while carrying out the work, 
  • lack of health and safety training, 
  • working at heights without fall protection equipment. 

Training for people working at heights 

We can divide training for people working at heights into several categories. We distinguish between training: 

evacuation when working at heights
  • HS0 - deal with issues related to working safely at heights. They consist of a theoretical part. 
  • HS0 DEMO VAN - cover topics on working safely at height. It is a theoretical training enhanced by a demonstration of strength using a demo van. 
  • HS1 - concerns safe working at heights. It is implemented at a basic level. 
  • HS2 - covers issues related to working safely at heights. It is conducted at an advanced level. 
  • HS4 - issues related to safety in working at heights are discussed. This includes inspection of fall protection equipment. 
  • HS5 - also concerns safety when working at heights. It is a theoretical training course designed for managers. 
  • HS7 - is a training course also on working at heights safety. It covers the basics of rescue operations. 

HS7 training 

This is a course designed for people who work at heights. It is dedicated to carrying out rescue and evacuation operations. It is based on various emergency scenarios that may occur in the workplace. Each participant learns how to assess an emergency situation and take into account the available options before they start a rescue operation. Participants learn the necessary skills that are required to evacuate personnel from height or equipment during an emergency. 

What are the requirements to join the HS7 course? 

To join the HS7 course you must: 

  • have a statement that there are no contraindications to working at heights above 3 m, 
  • have completed HS1 training. 

HS1 training 

The training referred to as HS1 is about safety when working at heights. It is delivered at a basic level. In order to take part, all that is required is a certificate stating that there are no contraindications to working at heights above 3m. This training is designed to provide participants with information on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect against falls from height in a variety of environments. On completion of HS1 training, participants will have the theoretical knowledge and skills needed to use various types of equipment that protect against falls from height. This training includes a large number of exercises in its programme. 

Who is HS7 training aimed at? 

The training is aimed at personnel who use personal protective equipment to provide fall protection, such as safety lines. The use of such measures when working at heights is used in many industries such as on roof surfaces, in workshops or factories. 

Topics covered during the training 

The courses discuss topics such as:
  • General requirements for rescue operations
  • Rescue plans
  • Risk assessment
  • Emergency procedures
  • Rescuing unconscious and conscious persons
  • Rescuing people who are within and beyond the reach of the rescuer
  • Evacuation from height resulting from an emergency situation
  • Inspection of equipment
  • Maintenance of equipment
  • Avoiding obstacles during a rescue operation


Trainees who complete both the theoretical and practical parts of the training receive a certificate and a photo ID. These remain valid for three years. 

Take a look at the training courses our company offers! 

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