Activities prohibited in the work of the crane operator
Do pracy z suwnicą powinien być dopuszczony jedynie ten pracownik, który posiada odpowiednie uprawnienia do obsługi suwnic, które uzyskuje się przez kurs na suwnice i zdanie egzaminu UDT, przeszkolenie BHP, a także jest w dobrym stanie zdrowia potwierdzonym zaświadczeniem wystawionym przez lekarza medycyny pracy.
During the operation of the crane, the employee should remember to follow the health and safety regulations. Among them there are also prohibited activities that the crane operator cannot do.
When operating the crane, it is forbidden to:
- operate the device without the necessary training and authorization
- use of unsafe working methods that may pose a threat to the employee and third parties
- operation of devices by unauthorized persons
- starting the device when it is faulty or there is a suspicion that it is faulty
- hauling goods heavier than permitted
- repairs of the device by persons without appropriate qualifications
- touching moving mechanisms and ropes
- storage of various materials and objects close to the unit that interferes with the operation of the winch
- moving loads directly over workstations or over other people
- removing warning and information notices from the device
- leaving the load on the gripping device without hanging it
- drinking alcohol and using other hazardous substances
Detailed information on the operation of the crane in the workplace can be found in the OHS manual.
Each person who wants to operate overhead cranes must first obtain UDT qualifications. These are licenses for gantries that can be obtained after enrolling in the course for gantries. This type of UDT training provides participants with comprehensive knowledge on safe work with overhead cranes. The training ends with an exam before the committee of the Office of Technical Inspection.
We invite you to the gantry course - the price and dates of the classes are presented on our website. We conduct our UDT courses in the city of Warsaw, where our main branch is located, as well as in other cities in Poland.