Training Center - KURSO

UDT training for aerial platform operators

We organize UDT trainings for operators of all types of mobile platforms - mobile, suspended and masted.

Course for mobile platforms

We invite you to take advantage of the UDT training for mobile platforms at our Kurso Training Centre - thanks to our experience, modern facilities and qualified staff, learning with us is always so effective and obtaining the relevant authorisations is no problem at all.

Our course on mobile lifts - the course on the uprights meets the requirements of the Office of Technical Inspection and allows you to obtain authorisations valid throughout the country.

Purpose of the training

The main goal is to provide participants with theoretical knowledge on the operation of devices such as a mobile mobile platform: free-running, self-propelled, mobile, as well as a suspended, mast and stationary mobile platform, and to conduct practical classes in the use of this type of equipment. The classes are used to prepare for the UDT exam in order to obtain a qualification certificate to operate the above-mentioned devices.

Categories of qualifications for mobile platforms:

  • IP - mobile access platforms: slow-moving, self-propelled mounted on the vehicle, mobile
  • II P - mobile platforms: hanging, mast, stationary

Training program

As part of our classes, we cover comprehensive topics related to devices, which allows us to fully prepare our students for the exam before the committee of the Office of Technical Inspection.

Our program includes information such as:

  • mobile platform - types of devices and their construction
  • technical inspection of the device in accordance with UDT requirements
  • operator's duties - before starting work, during and after work
  • principles of occupational health and safety

Conditions for participation in the training:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • at least primary education
  • health condition that allows you to work as an operator confirmed by an appropriate medical certificate

Together with Kurso, you can get UDT qualifications for mobile platforms during classes conducted in an open form - for everyone interested, and also in a closed form - for organized groups. If you want to organize closed UDT classes, we are able to provide training at any place and time agreed with the client.

We cordially invite you to our UDT course for mobile platforms - in case of additional questions, we are always at your disposal!

Advertising of the course for mobile platforms

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