Training Center - KURSO


dźwignica przygotowana do pracy

Efektywna logistyka dzięki układnicom automatycznym 

Jak zoptymalizować system magazynowy  Automatyzację procesów składowania umożliwiają zaawansowane technologicznie urządzenia, którymi są układnice magazynowe. Pomimo wysokich kosztów początkowych, wiele firm decyduje się na tę inwestycję ze względu na długoterminowe korzyści. Systemy te eliminują potrzebę pracy manualnej, co zmniejsza ryzyko błędów oraz wypadków, a także obniża koszty operacyjne.  Opłacalność inwestycjiRead more "

miasto, wieżowce, ulica

Światłowody – przyszłość cyfrowych miast 

Rewolucja infrastruktury miejskiej  W erze dynamicznego rozwoju technologii, gdzie cyfryzacja wpływa na każdy aspekt życia, infrastruktura telekomunikacyjna odgrywa ważną rolę. Nowoczesne aglomeracje opierają swój rozwój na zaawansowanych systemach cyfrowych, a jednym z głównych elementów wspierających tę transformację są sieci światłowodowe. Choć niewidoczne dla oka, odgrywają one fundamentalną rolę w napędzaniuRead more "

aerial work platforms

Types, construction and use of aerial work platforms

What is an aerial work platform? An aerial work platform is a machine needed as a support when working at heights and beyond. It is a type of mobile platform which is subject to technical supervision. If you want to use it, you need a specific professional qualification, or more precisely, you need to complete a course to become an aerial work platform operator. Of course, the name aerial work platform is a term ofRead more "

employee on scaffolding

Work at height in construction and industry

Work at height is some of the most dangerous and requires specialist qualifications. Work at height is carried out by, among others: Who can perform work at heights? Work at height is work using scaffolding, building structures, ladders and other elevations that are at least one metre above the floor or ground. Work at heightsRead more "

photo of compressor


We offer a professional compressor operation course! Our training courses are a combination of top-quality service and specialised education to help you gain the professional qualifications you desire. This is the perfect opportunity to gain the required qualifications and enjoy excellent results in every respect. We encourage you to sign up for professional compressor training! What areRead more "

Telescopic loader on a dirt road

Telescopic handlers - what are they?

Telehandlers have become common machines, they are characterised by their wide range of applications and it is hard to find a person who has never seen a telehandler. Do you want to know what the application of this machine is? Telescopic handlers are suitable for lifting, carrying and placing various materials and objects at a certain height. They are most commonly found in the agricultural industry,Read more "

butt welding

Electrofusion and butt welding - what can be joined and how to prepare for it

Pipes made of polyethylene are gaining in popularity They are used in sanitary, water or even gas installations. The rules for conducting qualification examinations of welders and welders who perform welding and sealing of thermoplastics are defined in the PN-EN 13067 standard. There are several methods used to join PE pipes. One of the most effective is electrofusion welding andRead more "

car lifts

What tests are car lifts subject to?

Truck lifts are also known as loading platforms. They are commonly used lifting devices that are fitted to vans and trucks. Truck lifts are metal platforms that allow goods to be unloaded and loaded. Often, the objects they carry are of considerable weight and size. They are usually made of robust metal alloys. ResistsRead more "

how to become qualified

What is a UDT?

UDT, or to expand on the acronym, is the Office of Technical Inspection. It deals extensively with the operation, operation, registration, maintenance and supervision of crane equipment. As a state institution, it supervises all equipment in our country that is subject to technical supervision to ensure the safe operation of all installations. What does the UDT do? The range of activities it deals withRead more "

Use of a soldering iron at home

Soldering methods

What is soldering? Soldering is one of the most popular methods of permanently joining metal components using a metal binder called solder. When done correctly, it gives a solid and aesthetically pleasing connection. It is quite easy to do yourself with a soldering iron - a small and simple device. Sometimes experienced people use a torch. Unlike weldingRead more "

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