Training Center - KURSO


Welding machine service - welding powers

Welding machines are devices used in the process of welding together elements made of metal or plastic. To operate them, it is necessary to have the appropriate welding qualifications, therefore people who want to work as a welding machine operator must take part in the appropriate course.

The authorization for welding is granted in the following categories:

  • butt welding with a heating element (HS)
  • socket welding (polyfusion) with a heating element (HMS)
  • electrofusion welding (HM)
  • butt welding and electrofusion welding (authorizations of the Office of Technical Inspection) (HS + HM)
  • butt, muff and electrofusion welding (BUG Gazobudowa qualifications) (HS + HM + HMS)
  • for people supervising the welding of thermoplastics (HS + HM + HMS)

Classes intended for obtaining qualifications are divided into theoretical and practical parts, therefore they allow you to gain comprehensive preparation to start working as a welding machine operator.

The license exam is carried out in accordance with Art. 22 sec. 2 of the Act of December 21, 2000 on technical supervision and checks the knowledge of the student and his skills in the operation and maintenance of welding machines.

If you want to obtain the authorization for welding, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our full offer and we encourage you to use our services!

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