Training Center - KURSO


''the person at the blackboard and the people in the benches

Health and safety in general

What is health and safety?

Occupational health and safety (OSH) is a set of rules and regulations designed to ensure hygienic and safe working conditions. It is both to protect the health and life of the employee and to ensure functional conditions at the workplace. Workplace health and safety issues are outlined in Section X of the Labour Code (from Articles 207 to 212 of the Labour Code). This section enshrines the employer's OSH obligations and the employee's OSH rights and obligations. 

warehouse with people at the machines

It is the employer's responsibility to protect the health and life of his employees and to provide them with good, safe working conditions. Its tasks also include, among others: 

  • Ensuring that health and safety regulations are complied with; 
  • Respond to employees' health and safety needs; 
  • Consideration of health protection for pregnant women, adolescents or people with disabilities; 
  • Ensure that the recommendations of the social labour inspector are implemented; 
  •  Duty to inform workers of existing risks to health or life. 

Safety training 

Health and safety courses are a very important and essential part of any job. It is the employer's responsibility to provide his employees with initial and periodic health and safety training. Employees who are not qualified and who are not familiar with health and safety standards may not be allowed to work in certain positions. It is also the employer's responsibility to strictly observe health and safety rules. Failure to do so is punishable by a fine. If an accident were to occur on the premises of a workplace where safety rules were violated, the injured employee may claim appropriate compensation. 

Health and safety training shall be provided and borne by the employer. It should be conducted during the employee's working hours. In addition to occupational health and safety training for employees, there are several other courses in this field: 

  • Job training; 
  • Courses on working at heights; 
  • First aid training; 
  • Training for employers; 
  • Training for those in charge of employees. 

Occupational health and safety training for employers and those in charge of employees 

person at the blackboard and people in the benches

Both employers and those in charge of employees have a duty to know the regulations, health and safety rules. CEOs of corporations, directors in factories, heads of smaller companies and heads of departments have a duty to know (insofar as it relates to their duties) health and safety rules. This is essential to ensure a safe workplace. Health and safety courses for employers are as mandatory as for employees. 

 The courses for employers and those in charge of employees address: 

  • Employer responsibilities; 
  • Rights and obligations of employees; 
  • Responsibilities of those who direct employees; 
  • Protection of juvenile labour and pregnant women; 
  • Identification and assessment of risks; 
  • Position instruction so that he can give it to his employees; 
  • On the seriousness of complying with health and safety regulations. 

Health and safety training should be completed within 6 months of starting work. The validity of periodic training for managerial positions is 5 years. An employer who participates in periodic safety and health training sets a good example by his attitude on how to shape safe working conditions.  

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