Training Center - KURSO


Exam G1, G2, G3

In order to obtain the authorization to work with electric power grids, installations and devices that consume heat, as well as gaseous fuels, it is necessary to take the exam before a board selected by the student, e.g. SEP, PSE, SIMP, SITPS. SEP (Association of Polish Electrical Engineers), Polish Association of Electrical Installations (PSE), Association of Food Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITPS or SITSpoż), Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers (SIMP).

The thematic scope of the examination is specified in par. 6 point 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Economy, Labor and Social Policy of April 28, 2003, depending on electricity, energy or gas installations, devices and networks.

During the examination, a candidate for authorization may come across the following topics:

  • provisions of legal acts - including the Energy Law Act, ordinance (Journal of Laws of 2005 No. 141, item 1189) and ordinance (Journal of Laws of 2003, No. 89, item 828)
  • standards
  • construction of devices
  • operation of devices
  • labor code
  • principles of providing pre-medical aid
  • workplace and company instructions

If you want to take the SEP, PSE, SIMP, SITPS exam and other committees and pass it positively, we invite you to take advantage of our offer. We provide our clients with comprehensive assistance in preparing for the exam and we also organize exams together with committees. We invite!

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