Training Center - KURSO


Permissions G1, G2, G3

The qualifications that can be obtained after successfully passing the exam organized by SEP - Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, allow you to work with networks, installations and devices in three main categories up to 1kV.

There are three types of rights, namely:

  • G1 - power grids, installations and devices that generate, process and consume electricity
  • G2 - networks, installations and devices generating, processing, transmitting and consuming heat
  • G3 - gas networks, installations and devices producing, processing, transmitting, storing and consuming gaseous fuels

Permissions can be obtained not only from SEP, but also from other institutions, for example, they are awarded by the Polish Electrical Installation Association (PSE), the Association of Food Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITPS or SITSpoż), the Association of Polish Mechanics Engineers (SIMP) and other committees, which may be legally established by the Energy Regulatory Office (ERO).

In order to obtain the above rights, you must take part in the SEP training, and then take the exam in front of the committee selected by the student, e.g. SEP, PSE, SIMP, SITPS or others.

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